Westphalia Township Burn Permit

Please read and agree to the following before submitting the Burn Permit Form.

Burn permits must be obtained at least 24 hours in advance and will only be allowed for two days (unless otherwise authorized).

Fires must be brush or firewood only. The burning of garbage, refuse, rubbish, animal waste, petroleum-based products, chemicals, explosives, plastic, building or construction materials is strictly

All fires must be 50 feet from all structures and the location shall not be less than 10 feet from adjoining property line.

A 30’ debris clear zone must be maintained so that the fire will not spread.

Open burning is permitted only during daylight hours and must be extinguished at sunset EXCEPT for recreational fires or 4” of snow on ground. Recreational fire means a bonfire, cooking fire, or campfire.
Recreational fires must not exceed 5 feet in diameter and 3 feet in height.

  1. Open burning shall be under the direct supervision and control of a person at least seventeen (17) years of age, who shall ensure that neither life nor property is endangered.
  2. This permit is VOID if the wind is ten miles per hour (10 mph) or greater.
  3. A source of water such as buckets of water or a garden hose or a suitable substitute shall be available within reasonable proximity to the burn and adequate to extinguish the fire, should the need arise.
  4. Fires must be completely out when you are done.
  5. Please let your neighbors know that you are having a fire so that they know you have a permit to burn and will not be calling the fire department because they think you are burning illegally.
  6. Burning rules must be followed, or you may be subject to a citation and/or additional fines and charges.
  7. This burn permit must be available for inspection by fire or police personnel upon request.

General Prohibitions on Open Burning and Outdoor Burning in the State of Michigan

  1. Air quality and solid waste regulations prohibit open burning of construction and demolition waste. Chemically treated lumber as well as synthetic and painted building materials contain high concentrations of hazardous compounds that produce toxic
    emissions when burned.
  2. Structures which are to be demolished by intentional burning are subject to State and Federal regulations. Michigan air regulations only allow buildings to be intentionally burned for fire department fire suppression training.
  3. Michigan air quality and solid waste regulation prohibit open burning that creates smoke or odor nuisances. All allowed open burning shall be conducted in a safe, nuisance-free manner, when wind and weather conditions minimize adverse effects and do not create a health hazard or a visibility hazard on roadways, railroads or airfields. If your fire is creating a nuisance for others or a visibility hazard, you will be asked to extinguish the fire.
  4.  Open burning shall be conducted only on the property on which the materials were generated.
  5. Any violation of the conditions of a burning permit shall be deemed a violation of your township burning ordinance. Any violation of the ordinance or the burning permit shall void the permit.
  6. The Fire Department and/or County Sheriff’s Office personnel may enter onto property to inspect for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the provisions of this ordinance.
  7. A person maintaining an open burn in violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall be responsible for all fire suppression costs or other enforcement expenses, payable to the Township.  Charges for emergency assistance may be amended by resolution of the Township Board.
Westphalia Township Burn Permit Form
Address of burn permit

Fire department information

Westphalia Township Firemen:

Randy Bengel, Chief/MFR
Scott Pohl, Asst. Chief/MFR
Andy Thelen, EMS/MFR
Nathan Thelen, Captain
Dane Thelen, Secretary/MFR
Travis Pohl, Training Officer/MFR
Marti Thelen, Firefighter/MFR
Jordan Spitzley, Firefighter/MFR
Chris McQueary, Firefighter/MFR
Dale Hanses, Firefighter
Randy Wellman, Firefighter/MFR
Jeremy Hanses, Firefighter/MFR
Andy Miller, Firefighter/MFR
Kevin Wieber, Firefighter/MFR
Nick Smith, Firefighter/MFR
Lee Klein, Firefighter/MFR
Alex Hanses, Firefighter/EMT-P
Keith Thelen, Firefighter/MFR
Devon Pung, Firefighter/MFR
Tim Smith, Firefighter/MFR
Michael Hattis, Firefighter/MFR
Nate Wirth, Firefighter
Jason Thelen, Firefighter/MFR
Kevin Zimmerman, Firefighter/MFR
Kyle Hanses, Firefighter/MFR
Cameron Trierweiler, Firefighter/MFR
Nathan Smith, Firefighter/MFR


Engine #1            2015 Rosenbauer 1500 GPM pump w/ 1000 gal tank
Engine #2            1990 Spartan 1250 gpm Pump w/ 1000 gal tank
Tanker #2            2004 International 3200 gal tank
Brushtruck #1    2017 Chevrolet ¾ ton Grass Rig
Rescue #1           2017 Chevrolet First Responder Unit

Emergency Service Fees:

Medical and Rescue
Residents & Taxpayers    $0
Non-Residents                  $500

Fire Runs
Residents & Taxpayers    $500
Non-Residents                  $1,000

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